Gemstone Tattoo Coloring Book Volume 2 - Lupines


Hi! I’m a self employed Tattoo artist in Portland, Maine. Drawing is something that makes me very happy. I also love Lupine flowers. Like so many of us right now, I am out of work.

I decided to create these coloring books to bring a little joy and happiness to others. They are great for both kids and adults, and each drawing features lovely Lupine and other flowers and ferns.

For a contribution of $5.00 you get 5 pages of custom art. These can be printed and colored (recycle or reuse paper if you can!), or you can color them on a tablet or iPad if you have one. Please share, and absolutely print many copies if you need more for friends or family members. If you know of individuals or families for whom even $5.00 is tough to spare, please gift a copy to them as well if you’d like.

I would also be delighted to see how you color these! Share on Instagram or Facebook @gemstone_tattoo We are one big human family, and as an artist, I’m doing what I know best because it makes my heart feel full. Creating.

Lots of love from Maine!